Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wow Wow Wow - Prayer Works!

It is an incredible gift, ya know? The blessed opportunity to communicate freely with the God of the universe. Sadly I often forget the beauty and power of spending time talking to my Abba Father. When I start to think about prayer, my mind begins a spinnin'. I can never comprehend it. I can't get enough of it. I'm humbled beyond belief. I'm blown away.

Every Tuesday morning at 7:30 Tony and I head to Washington High School to pray with a faithful group of students. We pray for their friends, for their teachers, for the Principal, and for one another. As you're probably aware, neither Tony nor I are "morning people" per say. I should mention that Tony is INCREDIBLY perky and pleasant whatever time he may wake up (me...not so much). Tuesdays are super early mornings. Tony's first meeting of the day starts at 6 a.m. He's out the door by 5:45. He comes back to pick me up a little after 7 for prayer at the high school.

While I dread the early mornings on Tuesday (especially after working until 1 a.m. Monday night...), I was reminded this morning what an AWESOME gift it is to pray inside the walls of Washington High School with amazing guys and gals. I was so touched this morning.

For the last year, we've prayed in Room 207...the Spanish teacher's room. We don't know her, but she offered her room to us, and we've been very grateful. Last week as Tony was walking into the school, the Principal pulled him aside. Tony was afraid this meant bad news. Quite the opposite! Mr. Bucholz informed Tony that another teacher had heard about our prayer group, and requested that we begin praying in her room!! She works with children with severe behavior disorders and is having the most challenging year of her career.

We met in Room 106 for the first time today. The Holy Spirit met with us! Two guys and two gals joined us for an AWESOME time of prayer. We got to chat with this teacher a little and she asked us to anoint her room. She said it's been years since she's been in a church, but she knows she needs prayer. PRAYER WORKS! All the prayers we've been praying for the last year are causing a movement of the Spirit at Washington High! Why else would she feel like asking us to come to her room? We certainly have nothing to do with it - thank you Jesus for being real and alive and for listening to the cries of your people! It was incredible to hear those four high school students ask the Lord to give this teacher strength and patience and to draw her into a relationship with Himself. They prayed that she'd understand God's purpose for these students, and have wisdom in dealing with them! Wow, God! I was blessed by the prayers of your children this morning.

The coolest part is that I know, without a doubt, that God heard every prayer we prayed and He WILL be faithful to answer. I can't wait to see how he works in this teacher's life and then uses her life to affect the lives of others at WHS!!

Tomorrow morning we'll meet for prayer at WACO H.S. God has been moving there too! We meet in the classroom of a teacher from our church. God has opened doors for him to have great conversations with other teachers about what kids are doing in his room early Wed. mornings. Amazing! We have students come and join us in prayer that have not yet received Christ, but want to be there as we pray. Father, work in their hearts, bring them to Jesus, and make them kingdom workers!

All that to say - prayer works! Of course it does, but God is faithful to remind me in such sweet ways. Can't wait for tomorrow morning!


  1. Darlin' you must get to bed sooner! lol. I do miss your snooze button and hit mine often just to imitate you (and because bed is so cozy during the fall!) :)

    What a heart warmer to see breakthroughs that you know are God!! Praise Him!

  2. Cari Linn!
    What a powerful story of prayer! This simple blog brought tears to my eyes and great encouragement to my heart.

    Love you,
